Zipazi? What the...


ZIPAZI is an acronym. I took the first two letters of my last name, my wife's last name and our daughter's last name and put them together to make Zipazi. When in doubt, always go with family.


Zipazi is family. Because at the end of the day, that's what most of my clients work for - their family. Provide them a better life, a better opportunity, a better future. Every client has slightly different goals. Some want to buy out a competitor across town. Some want to retire in five years. Others want to expand the business so they can sell it. But the end goal is always the same: family. More time with them, for them, or to give them.

That's what we provide. Zipazi Digital helps you reach your goals. We sit down with our clients and find out what they want from their business. If we can help get them there, then awesome. But if we can't, we'd rather part ways as friends than try to shoehorn the client's pain points into our skill set and hope they'll end up happy. We tried that once, and nobody was happy. Never again.

Set Goal. Exceed Goal. Repeat.

My first goal was to get a client. And then I did. And they left because I didn't know what to do with a client.

I knew how to do the work. Knew how to get their site ranking better and bring in more business for them. But I didn't know how to make the client happy. I thought that just bringing them more business was enough. But there was more to it. Communication, explaining the steps forward and the steps back. Communicating our success as well as telling them when I dropped the ball.

So then I made a new goal. Get a client and make them happy. So I did that. And then I did it again. And again. And again...

At Zipazi Digital, we sit down and listen to the goals of the client. Then we set up a plan to get them there.

And then we get them there.

Sometimes it isn't a straight line. As much as we like it to be, it doesn't always work like that. But at the end of the day, a client's success is our success, and in many ways, it is the reward as well.

It's the handshake and the smile we get when we've helped them exceed what they were hoping for. It's when a client says, "Thank you so much. We're getting more calls than ever before." It's the referrals to their friends and business contacts. It's knowing that because we were able to help them, now they are sitting in a much cooler place than they were before. 

Because that gets them closer to their goals... and their family.

Tight Ship

We're not a cut-rate outfit that will ruin your website, your business and your brand. Neither are we a huge agency with offices in Downtown or the Pearl District filled with trendy furniture. We run a lean operation and save money when we can. And we always produce value for our clients and provide them with a good ROI. Because it doesn't matter what kind of coffee your digital marketing agency serves you when you visit.

What matters is this - are you reaching your goals?

At Zipazi Digital, we help our clients reach their goals, whatever those may be. So reach out to us. We can get you more time for your family. We can get you more time for your hobbies, your activism, your church, your goals or dreams. It will take some time, and some work. We'll discuss the systems you have in place to interact with your clients and customers. Maybe build you a new website. But helping you grow your business the way you want in order to help you reach your goals is what we're all about.
